Complimentary Presentation

In addition to private consultation…

Patient Navigation Team offers “Making the Most of Your Healthcare Experience”, a 15-20 minute community service presentation. With permission of Consumer Reports, we are proud to introduce their “Choosing Wisely®”* program and distribute “Best Drugs for Less”.

The presentation has valuable information for everyone, with an emphasis on topics for seniors.

* “Choosing Wisely” is an initiative of the ABIM Foundation (American Board of Internal Medicine)

Call today and schedule this complimentary presentation!

Nancy P. Winston-Salem, NC

When my grandson was 4 months old, he was diagnosed with Leukocyte Adhesion Disorder (LAD) at a renown children’s hospital.   If not for Andrea’s ability to translate my layman’s understanding, coupled with her diligent effort researching other medical possibilities of what was happening in my grandson’s life, he would have been misdiagnosed.  He had a Uracrial remnant/syst.  Our family is forever grateful to Andrea for her guidance during this medical challenge.

Linda C.

My husband was in need of testosterone therapy.   We unsuccessfully tried various forms, including injections.  The physician finally settled on a brand name product which would have put us in the “doughnut hole” with our medicare coverage.  Andrea researched and provided a list of more affordable testosterone options.  As the caregiver, I was able to present this research to the physician and comfortably discuss the options.  My husband is still successfully using one of the more affordable products we were able to discuss based on Ms. Alemanni’s research.

R. Cudd

In 2002, I was taking intense chemotherapy drugs in preparation for a stem cell transplant, following a recurrence of Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma.  Initiation of the transplant was stalled when the research hospital was unable to obtain the only available biopsy results originating at a regional hospital.   Another biopsy was not an option, as there was no remaining cancerous tissue in my body.  Andrea Alemanni, owner of Patient Navigation Team, LLC, intervened on my behalf, acting as a liaison between the hospitals.  She was able to locate the vital results and I hand-delivered those to the research hospital.  I successfully underwent the stem cell transplant procedure, which was ultimately determined by the biopsy results rediscovered by Ms. Alemanni.

Julie V., MD

I thought she did a great job, very helpful, prepared, reliable, genuinely concerned. I would feel very comfortable with her as advocate for any of my family or patients.

Linda C.

Synthroid – Provided a comparison between brand name and generic thyroxine medications based on FDA rulings, journal articles regarding the importance of maintaining finely balanced dosage of thyroxine, patient’s dental/medical records, etc.  These documents were presented with cover letter to the insurance company (approx. 100 pages).

R. Cudd

I am a patient with a history of intermittent atrial fibrillation, occasionally requiring cardioversion over the course of the last decade.  My cardiologist strongly advised me to start taking a specific “blood thinner” on a permanent basis.  In my case of random occurrence, I wanted information on other options.  Ms. Alemanni, owner of Patient Navigation Team, LLC, researched these drugs and joined us on our next cardiologist appointment.  She was able to discuss FDA prescribing information clearly and help me communicate my preferences to the doctor.  Based on these points, my doctor and I were able to agree on an alternative medication regime.  In addition, the cardiologist expressed his appreciation for having the scientific discussion and wished his other patients had access to such a resource.

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Bringing security and peace of mind is our mission.

The patient advocates at PNT work to provide you and your family support and information, optimizing communication with your healthcare experts. We are dedicated to personalizing our services and putting your mind at ease.

Let us help you build confidence about your healthcare!

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Greensboro, Kernersville, and Winston Salem, NC

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